Matthew Dabkowski Wins MORS Hughes Award

Nov. 6, 2013
man in unform holding an award

Congratulations to Matthew Dabrowski for winning the MORS Wayne P. Hughes Jr. Award.

In 2007, MORS established the Junior Analyst to recognize young analysts who are already making an impact on Operations Research. Major (now Lieutenant Colonel) Matthew Dabrowski has proven to be an outstanding young researcher and problem-solver for the United States Army and the Department Defense with his significant contributions in a myriad of environments including while deployed in Afghanistan. He has published articles, developed new analytic procedures and worked on significant problems to include the Army Force Design/Force Mix study, the Boots on Ground Dwell study for Army Soldiers, and a new assessment methodology for the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan. Major Dabkowski’s solutions have had a profound effect on Army force structure and personnel management policies and will continue to do so for years to come.