Larry Head

Professor of Systems and Industrial Engineering
Director of the Craig M Berge Engineering Design Program
Member of the Graduate Faculty

Larry Head is a professor of systems and industrial engineering at the University of Arizona. He has over 30 years of academic and industry experience related to systems engineering, engineering management, adaptive traffic signal control and signal priority, and connected and automated vehicle systems. He has served as Interim Dean of the College of Engineering, Interim Vice Provost for Online Learning, Director of the Transportation Research Institute, and Department Head of the Systems and Industrial Engineering Department at the University of Arizona. He currently serves on the Arizona Governor’s Task Force for Self -Driving Vehicles, is a member of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Traffic Signal Systems Committee and the Intelligent Transportation Systems Committee, and a past member of the SAE DSRC Technical Committee. He is an associate editor of Transportation Research – Part C. He is a member of TRB, SAE, ASEE, INFORMS, IISE, and IEEE.


  • PhD Systems and Industrial Engineering
    • University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona
    • Modeling and Identification of Nonlinear Oscillations
  • MS Systems Engineering
    • University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona
    • Monitoring Patients in Anesthesia
  • BS Systems Engineering
    • University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona

Work Experience

  • College of Engineering (2018 - 2019)
  • Systems and Industrial Engineering, University of Arizona (2015 - Ongoing)
  • ATLAS Research Center, University of Arizona (2013 - 2018)
  • Systems and Industrial Engineering, University of Arizona (2007 - 2015)
  • Systems and Industrial Engineering, University of Arizona (2007 - 2014)
  • Systems and Industrial Engineering, University of Arizona (2006 - 2007)
  • Systems and Industrial Engineering, University of Arizona (2003 - 2006)
  • Siemens Energy and Automation, Inc. (2000 - 2003)
  • Gardner Transportation Systems, Inc. (1998 - 2000)
  • Systems and Industrial Engineering, University of Arizona (1994 - 1997)
  • Systems and Industrial Engineering, University of Arizona (1989 - 1993)



Systems Engineering, Engineering Management, Financial Modeling for Innovation, Object Oriented Modeling and Design, Simulation, Transportation Systems, Communications Theory


Cyber-Physical Systems, Intelligent Systems, Connected and Autonomous Vehicles, Urban Traffic Operations, Transportation Modeling, Intelligent Transportation Systems

Selected Publications


  • Head, K. L., Altekar, N. V., & Das, D. (2022). Priority-Based Traffic Signal Coordination System With Multi-Modal Priority and Vehicle Actuation in a Connected Vehicle Environment. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 036119812211346. doi:10.1177/03611981221134627
  • Altekar, N., Como, S., Lu, D., Wishart, J., Bruyere, D. P., Saleem, F., & Head, K. L. (2021). Infrastructure-based Sensor Data Capture Systems for Measurement of Operational Safety Assessment (OSA) Metrics. SAE Technical Paper, 2021-01-0175, 1-12. doi:10.4271/2021-01-0175
  • Head, K. L., Altekar, N. V., Das, D., & Saleem, F. (2021). Traffic Signal Priority Control Strategy for Connected Emergency Vehicles with Dilemma Zone Protection for Freight Vehicles. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2676(1), 499-517. doi:10.1177/03611981211039157
  • Duncan, G., Head, K. L., & Puvvala, R. K. (2014). Multi-Modal Intelligent Traffic Signal System-Safer and More Efficient Intersections Through a Connected Vehicle Environment. IMSA Journal, 52(5).
  • He, Q., Head, K. L., & Ding, J. (2014). Multi-modal traffic signal control with priority, signal actuation and coordination. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 46, 65--82.
  • Beak, B., Zamanipour, M., Head, K. L., & Leonard, B. (2018). Peer-to-Peer Priority Signal Control Strategy in a Connected Vehicle Environment. Transportation Research Record, 0361198118773567.
  • Head, K. L., Beak, B., & Khosravi, S. (2018). Quantitative Analysis of Smooth Progression in Traffic Signal Systems. Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 144(3). doi:10.1061/jtepbs.0000123
  • Khosravi, S., Beak, B., Head, K. L., & Saleem, F. (2018). Assistive System to Improve Pedestrians’ Safety and Mobility in a Connected Vehicle Technology Environment. Transportation Research Record, 0361198118783598.
  • Miao, Z., Head, K. L., & Beak, B. (2018). Vehicle Reidentification in a Connected Vehicle Environment using Machine Learning Algorithms. Transportation Research Record, 0361198118774691.
  • Zhao, J., Ma, W., Head, K. L., & Han, Y. (2018). Improving the operational performance of two-quadrant parclo interchanges with median U-turn concept. Transportmetrica B: transport dynamics, 6(3), 190--210.
  • Beak, B., Head, K. L., & Feng, Y. (2017). Adaptive Coordination Based on Connected Vehicle Technology. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 1--12.
  • Beak, B., Head, K. L., & Khosravi, S. (2017). Quantitative Analysis of Smooth Progression in Traffic Signal Systems. Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 144(3), 04017082.
  • Feng, Y., Zamanipour, M., Head, K. L., & Khoshmagham, S. (2016). Connected Vehicle--Based Adaptive Signal Control and Applications. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 11--19.
  • Head, K. L., Zhao, J., Ma, W., & Han, Y. (2016). Improving the operational performance of two-quadrant parclo interchanges with median U-turn concept. Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, 6(3), 190-210. doi:10.1080/21680566.2016.1249438
  • Khoshmagham, S., Head, K. L., Feng, Y., & Zamanipour, M. (2016). Multimodal Data Analytics Comparative Visualization Tool: Case Study of Pedestrian Crossing Design. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 44--54.


  • Trevor O. Jones Outstanding Paper Award 2021
    • Society of Automotive Engineers, Fall 2021
  • Exceptional Paper Award, Committee on Traffic Signal Systems (AHB25) of the Transportation Research Board of the National Academies
    • Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Spring 2017
  • 2016 Best ITS Implementation Project
    • ITS Arizona, Fall 2016
  • 2016 Member of the Year
    • ITS Arizona, Fall 2016
  • da Vinci Fellow
    • College of EngineeringUniversity of Arizona, Spring 2016
  • D. Grant Mickle Award for Outstanding Paper in the Field of Operation, Safety, and Maintenance of Transportation Facilities
    • Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Spring 2016
  • Best Dissertation Advisor Award
    • Chinese Overseas Transportation Association (COTA), Spring 2016